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Glow paint consists of glow powder mixed with clear organic resin, organic solvents and in some cases other materials. O...
Luminous Printing Ink is the Product of Luminous Pigment with Clear Printing Inks. Luminous Printing Inks can glow in th...
3857   2024-01-08

Reflective Ink Instructions

Mixing Instructions:a.Choose neutral transparent printing inksb.Choose glass bead with small particle size like 20~40um,...
3512   2024-01-08

Glossary and FAQ

Refractive Index:The refractive coefficient of glass bead to light. They are divided into series of 1.5Nd, 1.9Nd,2.2Nd.&...
3113   2024-01-06

What is the excitation source?

Photoluminescence Explained Many inorganic and organic materials exhibit luminescence, which means that they emit visibl...
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